Friday, February 25, 2011

$250 cloth diaper giveaway!!

Mother of a Sale is having a $250 cloth diaper giveaway on their facebook wall! Just go over there, "like" them, post that you REALLY want to win the giveaway, and you're entered! I promise you will not be disappointed with liking them. I just placed my first order from them earlier this week, and it was marked as shipped only a few hours later! I'm very happy with the extremely fast service they provide!
They introduced a new line of cloth diapers on their Mother of a Daily Deal site, Oh Katy diapers! I so wish I could try these diapers and compare them with my whole stash! They are introducing THREE new lines of cloth diapers in this giveaway, I am so excited to see what is coming out!

Like them here: Mother Of A Sale
Check out their deals here:

Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Year

Well it's a new year! I'm so excited for all of the possibilities that this year will bring. To think, just a year ago my son was the size of a lemon in my belly, and now he is cuddled up asleep on my lap. What an eventful year! I have so many amazing memories from 2010. The birth of my son was such a special day. I had such a wonderful birth experience, and in a crazy way I miss that day. I replay it over and over in my head. Waking up that morning to my water breaking, rushing straight to the hospital, barely making it there in time to deliver him, and seeing my son being born completely naturally, just the way I had wanted. And the sight of my precious baby being laid on my chest and seeing his sweet face, I will never forget such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Fast forward 6 months and here we are, still breastfeeding, still cosleeping, still cloth diapering. I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to raise this precious baby boy and call him my son. I am looking forward to helping him grow over this next year, and have my little family continue to grow together.

In 2011, I hope to move to a bigger house, or buy a house if the right opportunity came along! It would be amazing to live closer to my husbands work, so he wouldn't have to commute 3 hours a day. It would be so great to spend those 3 hours a day together, rather than wasting it on a drive. I hope to continue to grow as a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend. I really hope to find myself again and be able to do things that I enjoy (if my needy son lets me of course!) I hope to get help for my pantophobic, obsessive compulsive pitbull. I would really love to get up to date on my sons baby scrapbook, and stay up to date on it (oh the joys of procrastination!) And it would be wonderful if we would be blessed to work on another addition to our family.

Now I must tend to a sleepy, crabby baby. Goodnight all!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Inspired by Finn necklace giveaway!

Go Long! Go Green! is having a giveaway for a youth baltic amber necklace by Inspired by Finn! I so badly want to try one for my teething son! Go to to enter. The giveaway ends January 4th!

Monday, December 13, 2010

12 Days of Clothmas

Cloth Diaper Addiction is hosting the 12 Days of Clothmas! Days 1-10 are closed, and day 11 is ending tonight!

Day 1 - Shelly Rose Designs and Winkydinks
Day 2 - gDiapers
Day 3 - Ittybittybums Diaper
Day 4 - GoGreen Pocket Diapers
Day 5 - BooBearBuns and Charlie's Soap
Day 6 - Zookies Cover and Wipes
Day 7 - Stinky Moose AMP Diaper
Day 8 - Robyns Sweet Cheeks and Blooms Boutique
Day 9 - Little Muffins Bottoms Pocket Diaper
Day 10 - Ecobums and Rockin Baby Sling
Day 11 - BabyLegs and Crunchy Angel
Day 12 - PlanetWise, Grandma Els, LeenaLoves and Northernmom

Enter at

Monday, December 6, 2010

A New Day

Today was a much slower, but still terribly exhausting, day. Last night, after I finally got Cole to bed, I laid awake for what seemed like forever. I just couldn’t fall asleep. My husband was home from drill, which I was so excited about, but he was snoring so loud, and I cannot sleep through his snoring. I decided to try to make the most of my night while my baby was asleep; so I took a midnight candlelit bath. It sure was relaxing to say the least. I love my son and I want nothing more than to spend all of my time with him, but it is hard to adjust to the fact that I am not “me” anymore. Of course I am still me and I still love and enjoy doing the same things, but being a stay at home, exclusively breastfeeding, co-sleeping mom, I never get a moment to myself. Sometimes I wish that I could maybe have just a moment to sit down and not be concerned about being the only one who has to tend to my baby’s every need. Or even feel what it’s like to not have to take your baby with you to go pee! Since he’s been born, there are only 3 times I have not been his sole provider. 1, we were visiting my mother in Chicago, and she watched him as I walked to CVS (2 blocks away). 2, a few days later (on the drive back to Alabama), I got a bad case of gastroenteritis. My husband and I went to my in-laws to help take care of me and Cole, since I wasn’t even coherent. And 3, last week the in-laws watched him for a little bit while the hubby and I were just down the hill on our land. One day I would love to be comfortable enough to let someone close watch him while my husband and I go out for a nice date just the two of us; but I am just not there yet. Anyways, while trying to get back in bed, I just couldn’t fit. If anyone has ever tried to fit two adults and a baby (including an in bed co-sleeper) in a queen size bed, then you’d understand. The most “spacious”, yet most inconvenient to me, way is to put my husband and Cole’s sleeper on the outsides, and sandwich me in the middle. For me to go from taking over an entire queen size bed, to maybe a foot wide space in the middle, is quite a change. I am still adjusting. But I finally got to sleep, looking forward to sleeping in with my little man. When my husband leaves for work in the morning, Cole and I will stretch out and sleep for a few more hours. I am blessed with a baby who likes to sleep in! But no, he had a different plan this morning! He wanted to get up with his daddy… and stay up! So I tried to entertain him the best I could. He has fallen in love with the Veggie Tales silly song DVD’s. If I need to relax for a minute during the day, I can pop one of those DVD’s in and watch his face light up as he talks to his friends Larry and Bob. I hate allowing him to watch TV so young, but sometimes I just need a minute. I have also started him with the first Baby Signing Time! DVD. I have always wanted to learn sign language myself, but I never have. I think this is a great opportunity for me to learn along with my son. We can both benefit from this program! So we filled our day with play time on the floor, jumping in his jumperoo, and his hour long nap on the boob! For anyone who knows my son, you know that he does not nap. He seldom takes a 15 minutes nap (you can time it). And on the rare occasion that he takes a lengthy nap during the day, it has to be on the boob! He’ll fall asleep nursing, and he could be in a dead sleep, and wake up if you take the boob away! And boy will he be mad.
By the time that the hubby got home from work, I was not feeling well. I was lucky enough to get a bath to try to help me feel better while Cole played with his daddy. It was great! And now that I’m filled up on soup and crackers, it is definitely time for bed. The morning will come mighty early. Goodnight y’all!

ERGObaby Giveaway!

Luvs Jurn3 is having an ERGObaby carrier giveaway! Go to to read the guidelines and enter! It ends 12/16!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Welcome to my life

So I have been debating for some time now about whether or not I should start a blog. I have wanted to, I have just been unsure about how interesting my life may seem to the public. But the events of my morning sealed the deal for me! My intentions of this blog are to expand on my general facebook updates and write the full story. I welcome you into my crazy life, so I can share my ups and downs and misfortunes with you. I am an extremely blessed person with a wonderful little family, although it seems that when everything is working great, a screwdriver is thrown into the mix and shakes things up a little bit (actually, a lotta bit!) My name is Emily and I am 23 years old (and I have a birthday coming up!) I have lived in Alabama for over 5 years. I originally moved here to attend Auburn University (WAR EAGLE!), but once I got married I moved to the country in northern Alabama. I have been married to my wonderful husband Teddy since October 16, 2009. I have an amazing stepson Hayden, 11 (who also has a birthday coming up!) whom I love as my own child. On June 26th we welcomed our newest blessing, Cole Rylan, into our lives. Becoming a mother has been the most special, don’t forget exhausting, thing I have ever experienced. It has shaped me into the woman I am becoming and the woman I one day hope to be. I am proud to say that I am a cloth diapering, exclusively breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, attached parent kind of mother. I take pride in the fact that I am giving my son the best things that I possibly can. Of course what is best for my child is my decision, and everyone will have their own opinions or way of doing things. But that is exactly it, what is best for my son is up to me to decide. I am a new mother, and I still have a LOT to learn! It seems like when you finally conquer something, it will change and you have to learn how to handle the new situation, so there isn’t just one way of doing things for any period of time.

Being me is a new adventure every day. Last night for example, I went to bed never imagining what today would bring. Sure, I had my expectations. I was hoping on a nice relaxing day with my little man by our beautifully quirky Christmas tree and wait until my husband gets home from his weekend at drill so we could spend some much needed family time together. But that is so clearly not the case! What should I have imagined last night? I should have thought, “What is the LEAST probable thing that can happen tomorrow?” Maybe Ed McMahon can call and say I’ve won a million dollars. Or an Egyptian king can come and say my pit bull is a goddess and take her back to Egypt with him. Or maybe a horse can break loose and eat my internet cable. Yes, I should have seen it coming! I was awakened this morning (at 6:30 a.m. mind you) to the sound of galloping and barking outside of my bedroom window. My first thought? Maybe all the cows across the road are running near the fence, which occasionally happens. But no, much to my surprise as I peeked out of the window, while trying not to disturb my baby asleep in my arms, are two horses! I recognized them immediately; they’re the horses that live at the beginning of my road. They must have broken loose and thought, “What house would be the most enjoyable to terrorize this morning?” Answer, “The house with the exhausted mom, sleeping 5 month old, skittish dog outside and fearful dog inside!” So half asleep, I try to decide what to do. At first I thought it was kind of cool, this sort of thing would never happen in Chicago (where I was born and raised until I moved to Alabama at 18.) But once I realized that the horses were not leaving, and my dogs would not stop barking until they do, I quickly got annoyed. So what exactly were the horses doing at my house? Galloping up and down the gravel road, eating the tall grass against my house (thank you, I won’t need to weed whack that now!), standing next to my Honda civic (yes horse, you are bigger than it), pooping on my lawn (umm, no thank you…or actually that grass in the spring may be really green!), and eating my internet cable of course. Since I don’t know the horses’ owners name or his phone number, I called my husband’s uncle who lives next door. But no, he didn’t. And I wasn’t about to wake up my sleeping baby to carry him down to this guy’s house to tell him his horses were at my house. No way, it’s way too early and way too cold for that! So I just had to deal with it. I somehow slept through another hour of the horse’s party at my house. When I woke up again, thankfully they were gone. I hope they were back in their yard though. Although this event was comically annoying, there is one positive thing that came out of it! My husband despises our cat. We hastily got our cat, Mr. Felix a month before Cole was born. Not one of our best decisions, but we had our reasons. Anyways, he was a kitten, and certainly acted like it. He had finally mostly stopped attacking us by the time Cole came along. But once Cole was home, Mr. Felix was clearly jealous. You would think my pit bull I’ve had for over 3 years would be the jealous one to act up, but no, it was the new cat. He started pooping on the carpet, attacking us again and so many more things that I’m sure will come up as I continue to write this blog. Finally, when Cole was 3 months old, we were sure that he was allergic to the cat. So we had to move him outside. Lately, if we put a bag of trash out before we take it up the hill to the dumpster, Mr. Felix will take all the contents out of the bag and sleep IN the bag. One morning about a week ago my husband saw all of our trash in the bed of the truck (where we put the trash before we take it up) and the cat in the bag. So he grabs him by the neck to get him out of the truck, and he goes nuts and attacks Teddy’s hand.  Since then, Teddy has been on an even bigger mission to terrorize our cat. So this morning, I was quite proud of what happened and had to call him at drill to tell him! Mr. Felix was asleep on his blanket on the porch, and the horse puts his nose through the rail and sniffs the cat, and he jumps like 5 feet in the air and hisses. I was proud of this horse for getting Mr. Felix really good! That moment almost makes this whole no internet thing worth it… almost.
So then later in the day, I am putting out Christmas decorations, and I see that two pieces broke off of one of them. So I decide to super glue the pieces back on. What seemed like a quick, simple fix, turned into a long ordeal when I super glued my middle finger to the wood. Luckily my son was happily bouncing in his jumperoo the whole 30 minutes it took to get my finger unstuck.
These two unrelated events that happened today are perfect examples of my comical life. I hope you enjoyed them at my expense!